Source code for dabu.analyse_file_format.analyse_file_format_dict

:Author: Daniel Mohr
:Date: 2021-02-19 (last change).
:License: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 3, 29 June 2007.

import sys

from dabu.check_nasa_ames_format import check_nasa_ames_format
from dabu.check_netcdf_file import check_netcdf_file

from .analyse_file_format import analyse_file_format
from .create_checksum import create_checksum
from .extract_hash_from_checksum_file import ExtractHashFromChecksumFile

[docs]def analyse_file_format_dict( result, output_format, store_checksums=True, checksum_file=None): """ :Author: Daniel Mohr :Email: :Date: 2021-02-17 (last change). Analyse the file format of the files stored in result. :param result: a dict; only the key 'data' will be adapted :param output_format: describes the output format in a list :param store_checksums: if True find/calculate checksums for each file :param checksum_file: the file to import the checksums from """ if 'data' not in result: return result # nothing to do, no data files available if checksum_file is not None: hash_from_checksum_file = ExtractHashFromChecksumFile( checksum_file) files = result['data'].copy() result['data'] = [] for filename in files: file_extension = analyse_file_format(filename) resitem = {'name': filename, 'file_extension': file_extension} if store_checksums: checksum = None if checksum_file is not None: hash_info = hash_from_checksum_file( filename, encoding='base64') if hash_info is not None: checksum = {'hash': hash_info[0], 'algorithm': hash_info[1][0], 'encoding': hash_info[1][1]} if checksum is None: hash_byte_array = create_checksum(filename, algorithm='sha512', encoding='base64') checksum = {'hash': hash_byte_array.decode(encoding='utf-8'), 'algorithm': 'sha512', 'encoding': 'base64'} if checksum is not None: resitem['checksum'] = checksum if file_extension.lower() == ".nc": # NetCDF file # pylint: disable=broad-except try: resitem['netcdf check'] = check_netcdf_file(filename, output_format) except Exception: sys.stderr.write('Could not check NetCDF file.\n') resitem['netcdf check'] = dict() resitem['netcdf check']['error'] = 1 resitem['netcdf check']['log'] = \ ['Could not check NetCDF file.'] if file_extension.lower() in ['.nas', '.na']: # NASA Ames Format resitem['nasa ames format check'] = check_nasa_ames_format( filename, output_format) result['data'].append(resitem) return result