command line script: json_schema_from_schema_org

json_schema_from_schema_org is a script to define json-ld based on as a json schema.

usage: json_schema_from_schema_org [-h] [-indent i] [-cachefilename f]
                                   [-cachefilepath p]
                                   word [word ...]

Positional Arguments

word For these words from the output is generated.

Named Arguments


In the output the elements will be indented by this number of spaces. default: 4

Default: [4]


We need data from If you set cachefilename to an empty string, nothing is cached. If the file ends with common extension for compression, this comperession is used (e. g.: .gz, .lzma, .xz, .bz2). The file is created in the cachefilepath (see this option). default: “schemaorg-current-https.jsonld.bz2”

Default: [‘schemaorg-current-https.jsonld.bz2’]


This path is used for the cachefilename. If necessary, this directory will be created (not the directory tree!). default: “/tmp/json_schema_from_schema_org_runner”

Default: [‘/tmp/json_schema_from_schema_org_runner’]

Author: Daniel Mohr Date: 2021-07-01 License: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 3, 29 June 2007.